Water and energy companies are working together to ensure their customers in vulnerable circumstances get faster and easier access to the information and support they need.
More support for vulnerable customers
A report from the Consumer Council for Water shows that the number of customers receiving help from water companies to pay their bills has risen by 93%.
New ways of helping hard-pressed customers
Water companies are broadening the scope of the support they are offering for hard-pressed customers to pay their water bills and manage their overall debt.
Message to customers: contact your company if you are struggling to pay
Customers having difficulty paying their bills should speak to their water company to find out the range of help that is available. Water UK supports the CCWater call for customers who are struggling to pay to ask their company for help.
94% of customers satisfied with water supply
The latest data from CCWater on household customers’ views on their water and sewerage services is good news, with 94% of customers satisfied with their water supply.
Helping water customers who are struggling with bills
Water companies have a wide range of schemes to help customers who find paying their water bills a struggle – but making sure that help gets to the right customers at the right time is a major challenge
Water and energy join up to give more help to customers
A major new initiative by the water and energy sectors will ensure more customers get the right help from their utility providers when they need it.
Water and energy companies join forces to help vulnerable customers
Customers who need extra help will, from April, get a more streamlined service from water and energy companies making it easier to get help and stay safe at home.
Customers who need help should contact their water company
Customers struggling to pay their bills should speak to their company to find out the range of help they have available.
New website for customers to see how their water companies are performing
Customers can now quickly and easily see how their water company is performing and compare it to other companies. The information can be found on DiscoverWater.co.uk and has a comprehensive range of data covering a variety of topics.
Water company support for customers
Water companies are committed to helping households by charging stable and affordable prices. Ofwat’s report on affordability and debt (Tuesday 1 December) shows that companies are offering more support than ever to customers in need.
The Water Act: customers and environment
The water industry is ready to take forward the measures in the new Water Act which will bring long-term benefits to customers and the environment.