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Latest developer services results published

The latest figures on the levels of performance achieved by English and Welsh water companies in delivering developer services have been published by Water UK.

The figures, for the quarter ending September 2017, show performance for the period maintains a high standard with overall target measures for water supply being met at 97% and those for sewerage at 99%.

The water industry is now working with the industry regulator, Ofwat, to create a new measure of service standards, D-Mex. The D-Mex is aimed at measuring customer satisfaction with developer services and is likely to comprise a mixture of quantitative and qualitative measures. The quantitative measures may well be based on a number of the Water UK metrics.

Water companies will continue to work to improve the services offered to developers to ensure that the industry plays its part in supporting the government’s housebuilding agenda.

Latest developer standards report


Water UK Communications
0207 344 1805