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Customers who need help should contact their water company

Customers struggling to pay their bills should speak to their company to find out the range of help they have available.

Water UK wholeheartedly supports CCWater's call today for customers who are struggling with their water bills to contact their company for help.

Water companies allocate millions of pounds every year on a wide range of measures that can be tailored to suit customers' needs.

Pamela Taylor, Chief Executive, Water UK, said: "Customers should not suffer in silence - there is plenty of help available to them.

"Unfortunately water companies do not have access to the information they need, for example information on people who are on benefits, so it is very hard for companies to know how to target their help.

"The industry is trying very hard to make information about their assistance publicly available, and will continue to work as hard as possible to help our customers."

How companies are helping customers having difficulty paying their bills
Affordability briefing, Water UK

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Struggling water customers 'suffering in silence' and missing out on vital support
CCWater news, 5 September

Water UK Communication

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